Sorted - 15th Guards Mechanised Brigade
The joy of the internet and in particular this site:
15th Guards Mechanised Brigade, part of 4th Guards Mechanised Corps.
Fought on the Budapest Campaign and so appropriate to play through Warlord’s Fortress Budapest Campaign. Guards honorific therefore reasonable to include some veterans in the mix as well as greener replacements. Mechanised Brigade therefore lend lease light armour such as White Scout cars and Universal Carriers are in as well as truck borne infantry plus the freedom to bring a T-34 or two when required. Brigade includes an independent recce company therefore scout squads are not implausible (I think). Most of the required support options available - mortars, Zis-3 medium howitzers, Bde engineer company for assault Engrs (not that I’ve ever intended to field then) and AA MG Coy (quad maxim - why not?).
The only thing in mind that I’d like to include at some point but might not be appropriate is a lend lease Stuart (without excessive MMGs).
And to cap it off the 15th has a decent badge - the Swallow. Probably within my ability to freehand...hopefully.
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