Finding a Theme - 1 - Outline plans.

 After a long and tedious stretch of lockdown (hope you’re all hanging on in there - won’t last forever) the Soviet side of the collection is at a fairly strong platoon scale. A slack handful of rifle and SMG squads with appropriate mortar, MMG and anti-tank rifle support. Wouldn’t be complete without a lunatic in blue trousers and a T-34 too.

Now it’s time to find a unit for these cats to be part of and get formation badges painted on. That will also be a good handrail to choose some more support and transport choices. 

For the Soviets I want to be late war with scope for veterans (I tabled a Russian conscript horde at a tournament and it didn’t look a fun way to lose). I like being able to deploy forward so scouts need to be part of the options in the selector. I’m not keen on flamethrower spam but assaults and rapid movement are part of my preferred playbook so transports and SMG based squads are pretty key - although the ability of Soviet vets to take Tough Fighter does give more flexibility on weapon load out.

Typical 500pts for me shown in the screen grab (clearly not the photo with the T34 - that’s just further evidence of why this isn’t a blog of painting tips, equally I’m also aware of one Ivan wearing suspiciously US gear...):


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