
Showing posts from June, 2021

Budapest Campaign - Hold the Ojtozi Pass

A while back I and my regular opponent decided to put some structure to our games and play through the Budapest campaign.  COVID delayed this but with relaxation of measures in the UK we got underway with the first scenario.  I've given Battle Chronicler a run out. Scenario 1 - Ojtozi Pass. Deployment.  The Soviet plan was simple.  Deploy my non-mounted troops in the village (the light howitzer is missing from the map but is just to the left of the Partisans) and use these troops to begin to pin the defenders.  Then, once some suppression was fixing the defence the mounted elements would rush the objective and go to ground.  If I could get the eight man veteran squad into the shell crater near the objective they ought to be hard to shift.  On the Hungarian side my opponent was seeking to conduct an encirclement with his reserves coming in on both sides of the table. Turn 1.   Turn 1 saw initial firefights and the deployment of the defender's flan...