
Budapest Campaign - Street Fighting in Pest

Budapest Campaign – Street Fighting in Pest Scenario eight of the Budapest Campaign and the Soviets are finally well inside the city.  Another offensive mission for the Soviets but one that sees all table quarters having scoring value which will force the Axis to be at least a little offensive.  Interestingly casualties are non-scoring in this scenario so it’s going to be all about aggression and clearing table quarters.  For novelty value Uri is on the subs bench this time and his Romanian cousin Uriescu will be taking a Romanian infantry platoon into the fight. Uriescu’s Romanian Assault Platoon Scenario 8 – Street Fighting in Pest – 1000 points – Romanian Allies vs Budapest Defenders. Allied Romanian Infantry Division Reinforced Platoon:   2Lt.  Regular – x1 runner. FOO.  Artillery Observer. Late War Infantry Section. 10x Regulars, 4x SMG, 1x LMG, 1 Pz Faust. Late War Infantry Section. 10x Regulars, 4x SMG, 1x LMG, 1 Pz Faust. Late War Infantry Section. ...

Budapest Campaign - The Back Door Left Open

Budapest Campaign - The Back Door Left Open After a busy interlude Uri and the mob have finally had the chance to get into Budapest.  The first of the urban scenarios, this one sees the Soviets having to get into the German end zone (a now familiar task) and then hang out there while the Axis turn up late to the party. S cenario 7 - The Back Door Left Open - 1000 points - Soviets vs Axis (Hungarians & SS). Soviet Forward Detachment Reconnaissance Party Platoon: 2Lt.  Inexperienced.  One runner. M3 Half Track. Regular - 1x HMG. Mounted Recce Section. 7x Veterans - 4x SMG. M3 Half Track. Regular - 1x HMG. Mounted Recce Section. 8x Veterans - 4x SMG, 1x flamethrower. White Scout Car.  Regular - 1x HMG. Mounted Recce Section.  7x Veterans - 5x SMG. Universal Carrier.  Regular – 2x LMG. Mounted Recce Section.  5x Veterans. T-34/75.  Regular. Budapest Pocket Defenders Platoon: 2Lt.  Regular.  Two runners. Gendarmerie Section.  5x Regu...

Budapest Campaign - Counter-attack at Pestszentimre

Budapest Campaign - Counter-attack at Pestszentimre Hot on the heels of the break through on the Attila Line we've managed to squeeze in scenario six - Counter-attack at Pestszentimre before the New Year work bow-wave swamps us entirely.  We pick up again with the score sitting at 3-2 to the Axis as we finally approach the outskirts of Budapest.  Lt Uri has been re-habilitated after his recent success and is again entrusted with a Guards Mechanised Brigade armoured platoon to try and breakthrough The Scot’s Panzer Kampfgruppe armoured platoon. Scenario 6 - Counter-attack at Pestszentimre - 1250 points - Soviets vs Wehrmacht. Soviet Guards Mechanised Brigade Platoon: T-34 Platoon.  3x T34/76.  Regular.  Platoon Comd has poor radios. Extra T34/76.  Regular. SU-76.  Regular.  Versatile ammunition. White Scout Car.  Regular.  1x HMG. Veteran Section.  5x Veterans.  2x PzFst, 5x SMG. Flamethrower Team.  Regular. FAO.  1x R...